Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It has been a really good day and Tanner says he feels great!! He had me move his recliner closer to the TV and he's been playing X-Box 360 for hours while I have been working.

His white blood count is over 11 and he was only neutropenic one day this round of treatment! The nurse said he could still drop a little over the next couple of days but she can't imagine that he would drop very much.

I asked her if it was normal to only be neutropenic one day with consolidation chemo (at 70%-75% strength) and she said you see it "occasionally". The only thing that would stop Dr. Barlogie from releasing Tanner now is the fact that his platelet count is going down instead of up. In the last few days it's gone from 164 to 125 to 87. You only have to be at 50 to go home but they can't be on a downward spiral when you are released.

She and I discussed that maybe it would be better if we could change our appointment with Dr. Barlogie to Monday instead of tomorrow and then if everything looks good over the weekend, he might go ahead and just release Tanner. Also, if we don't see Dr. Barlogie until Monday, we could tell him everything Dr. Nicholas tells us about his bones at the Friday appointment.

The PA emailed MIRT today to have them ask Dr. Barlogie if the appointment could be moved. She said she would tell me in the morning what they said - but she also said not to count on it because Dr. Barlogie is a stickler about his appointments. The nurse and the PA are just trying to help Tanner and I avoid going to MIRT tomorrow and having to wait hours and then have to go back next week and have to wait again to be released. Whichever way it goes will be fine. By this time, Tanner and I both are pretty patient - especially when going to see Dr. B.

We are going to dinner tonight at my aunt's house and Tanner want's me to stop and buy cucumbers so that she can "teach" me how she makes her cucumber and onion mixture. Of course, mine never tastes like Aunt Tincey's! LOL!!

In the mail the last couple of days, we have been getting Christmas cards from some of my PIE (where I work) agents and have received some generous donations to Tanner's medical fund. It has really touched my heart that even though these agents have already given generously to Tanner's fund, they are thinking of him once again at Christmas and are reaching out to make things better for him.

Thank you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for the wonderful people at PIE.
    May God Bless them all.

    We love you,
    Granny and Pop
