Friday, August 14, 2009

Tim and Janet (Tanner's dad and step-mom) are with him in Little Rock and they said he had a rough day yesterday. He is nauseated, light headed, fatigued, and has a bad headache. The nurses told us that he would continue to get more and more fatigued and with the growth factor shots (which he has to go and have twice a day now), would feel like he has the flu. I don't know if the headache is part of feeling like you have the flu or not but I do know that one of the other patients told us that she had been having a bad headache for three days and that her pain pills didn't help at all.

The nurses have also said that Tanner can no longer have fast food - or even salads (because you don't know what is on the lettuce) at this point. The apartment has a crockpot so I'm going to look up some slow cooker recipes and am hoping that I will be able to cook some things that he will be able to keep down. In the beginning, they told me to let him eat anything he wanted because he would come to a point where he wouldn't want to eat much at all. I guess we are coming to that point now.

His Granny Jane is heading to Little Rock this morning and I know she's anxious to cook her "Tannerboy" anything he thinks he can eat.


  1. Though I have never had to endure what Tanner is enduring, I have cared for loved ones that have... Angie, Tim, Janet. I will continue to pray for your strength to care for Tanner as he takes these treatments... I know how hard it is...

    Tanner, It goes without saying I am praying for you too! You will need to reach down deep and find the strength that only God provides... YOU CAN DO THIS!

    When you have time, please watch this. It will bless you, It did me:

  2. Angie, this is a good web site for crock-pot cooking:

    You and Tanner continue to be in my prayers. I check your blog every day for updates.
    Gwen Jones
