Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back in Fort Worth!

We arrived at home around 4:00 p.m. yesterday evening and both got to sleep in our own beds. Yea!! Beckett didn't recognize his Uncle Tanner without hair! I wonder if Kayleigh will know who he is?

Today it was back to normal for me at work and Tanner was at home taking it easy and playing video games.

I called the Oncologist office at Cook's Children's here in Fort Worth and starting next week, will take Tanner in on Tuesdays and Fridays for his labwork.

This weekend he wants to spend some time with one of his friend's in Weatherford. I worry about him not using his wheelchair like he should and being around a lot of people but know that I have to let go and allow him to spend some times with his friends. He's been with older people for three months now and is ready to be with some teenagers! I will lay down the rules before I take him to Weatherford and have also been talking to his friends about his health and how important it is for him to be careful and to use the wheelchair.

While we are at home, I won't be updating the blog every day unless something significant occurs but will be sure to post regularly when we return to Little Rock on October 14th.

Once again thank you for all the love & support we have received from friends, family, and even strangers! We couldn't have made this journey half as well without you all!!

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so happy you all are home for a few weeks. And I know you are too! We love you....Granny and Pop
